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DevDays Europe Now Live!

The Qt Developer Days 2014 website is now live! Registration for Qt Developer Days Europe (Oct 6 – 8 Berlin) is now open. Register before midnight on July 18th and qualify for the Early Bird Prize Draw. Also, the Training Day program is now available, choose from ten possible trainings! The Call for Papers is out now […]

Free Qt on Android Coffee and Code USA

June 10, 12 and 16. Continuing from our springtime European tour, we are offering hands-on training sessions this June in New York, San José and Chicago.  Each of these will be a free, three-hour, hands-on session that delves into the internals of Qt on Android.   Learn how to: set up the Qt development environment for Android […]

New blog series

Behind the screen – development of a QML application Usually we do not get to talk about the innovative solutions our employees find to almost impossible problems on a daily basis – I guess that  is just part of life as a consulting company. Recently we developed an in-house application, and that gives us the opportunity […]

Events Update March ’14

p>Embedded World Nuremberg – February 25 – 27 KDAB exhibited in two places this February at EW Nuremberg. We had our own stand in the Software Hall, and contributed as a Qt partner to the Qt by Digia stand in Tools. KDAB displayed a host of top class Qt powered demos this year, including Aucos/GammaRay […]

GammaRay 2.0 Released

GammaRay 2.0 beta release came out on Friday, January 10th and the final GammaRay 2.0 was released on January 17th. GammaRay 2.0 has a largely reworked core compared to the previous versions, enabling remote debugging. That’s especially useful for working on embedded systems, but also helps minimize interference with the inspected process on the desktop. Additionally, it allows the […]