An over-the-air (OTA) update capability is an increasingly critical part of any embedded device to close cybersecurity vulnerabilities, allow just-in-time product rollouts, stomp out bugs, and deliver new features. We’ve talked about some of the key structural elements that go into an embedded OTA architecture before. But what about the back end? Let’s address some of those considerations now.
The challenges of embedded connectivity
The ideal of a constant Internet connection is more aspiration than reality for many embedded devices. Sporadic connections, costly cellular or roaming charges, and limited bandwidth are common hurdles. These conditions necessitate smart management of update payloads and robust retry strategies that can withstand interruptions, resuming where they left off without getting locked in a continually restarting update cycle.
There are other ways to manage spotty connections. Consider using less frequent update schedules or empower users to initiate updates. These strategies however have trade-offs, including the potential to miss critical security patches. One way to strike a balance is to implement updates as either optional or mandatory, or flag updates as mandatory only when critical, allowing users to pace out updates when embedded connectivity isn’t reliable.
To USB or not to USB
When network access is very unreliable, or even just plain absent, then USB updates are indispensable for updating device software. These updates can also serve as effective emergency measures or for in-field support. While the process of downloading and preparing a USB update can often be beyond a normal user’s capability, it’s a critical fallback and useful tool for technical personnel.
OTA servers: SaaS or self-hosted
Deciding between software as a service (SaaS) and self-hosted options for your OTA server is a decision that impacts not just the update experience but also compliance with industry and privacy regulations. While SaaS solutions can offer ease and reliability, certain scenarios may necessitate on-premise servers. If you do need to host an OTA server yourself, you’ll need to supply the server hardware and assign a maintenance team to manage it. But you may not have to build it all from scratch – you can still call in the experts with proven experience in setting up self-hosted OTA solutions.
Certificates: The bedrock of OTA security
SSL certificates are non-negotiable for genuine and secure OTA updates. They verify your company as the authentic source of updates. Choosing algorithms with the longest (comparatively equivalent) key lengths will extend the reliable lifespan of these certificates. However, remember that certificates do expire; having a game plan in place to deal with expired certificates will allow you to avoid the panic of an emergency scramble if it should happen unexpectedly.
Accurate timekeeping is also essential for validating SSL certificates. A functioning and accurate real-time clock that is regularly NTP/SNTP synchronized is critical. If timekeeping fails, your certificates won’t be validated properly, causing all sorts of issues. (We recommend reading our OTA best practice guide for advice on what to do proactively and reactively with invalidated or expired certificates.
Payload encryption: Non-negotiable
Encrypted update payloads are imperative as a safeguard against reverse-engineering and content tampering. This is true for OTA updates as well as any USB or offline updates. Leveraging the strongest possible encryption keys that your device can handle will enhance security significantly.
Accommodating the right to repair
The growing 'right to repair' movement and associated legislation imply that devices should support updates outside of your organization’s tightly controlled processes. This may mean that you need to provide a manual USB update to meet repair requirements without exposing systems to unauthorized OTA updates. To prevent your support team from struggling with amateur software updates, you’ll want to configure your device to set a flag when unauthorized software has been loaded. This status can be checked by support teams to invalidate support or warranty agreements.
By carefully navigating the critical aspects of OTA updates, such as choosing the right hosting option and managing SSL certificates and encryption protocols, your embedded systems can remain up-to-date and secure under any operating conditions. While this post introduces the issues involved in embedded-system updates, there is much more to consider for a comprehensive strategy. For a deeper exploration and best practices in managing an embedded product software update strategy, please visit our best practice guide, Updates Outside the App Store.