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KDAB TV Get the RSS Feed

KDAB as the global No.1 software consultancy for Qt, C++ and 3D applications and has been a relevant source for professional software developers for 20 years, offering a good mix of valuable information. As video content becomes more and more relevant, we decided to turn our existing YouTube channel, where we posted videos once in a while, into a regular, highly visible channel for professional developers using Qt, C++ and 3D technologies.

The channel offers tutorials for beginners and advanced developers presented by our experienced experts as well as show cases, C++, Qt and 3D related news, insights on events and trends.

For example, you get free access to part of the Qt / QML Introduction training course in form of a video tutorial.

Furthermore, you will be provided with exclusive interviews from our experts and updates on our latest products releases.

In time, we also look forward to collaborate with our partners to exchange views and aggregate best solutions to common issues we encounter. Feel free to contact us for any feedback and suggestions.