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GammaRay 2.6.0 – a major new release

GammaRay Model Inspector. GammaRay 2.6 brings you three major new features: We merged the previous model and selection models tools into a new, unified QAbstractItemModel inspector, allowing you to now also see selections and cell flags, as well as to inspect deactivated cells. The new Wayland compositor inspector enables you to observe Wayland clients of […]

KDAB talks at QtCon 2016

Hello! This is a small wrap-up fromQtCon, the biggest Qt event in Europe in 2016, that happened at the beginning of September. At QtCon the Qt community joined forces with the KDE, FSFE and VideoLAN communities, to create an exciting event in the spirit of open collaboration and participation amongst projects. During QtCon many KDAB […]

Programmation Qt Quick (QML)

Paris, France 2016-08-22 2016-08-26 Paris, le 22 – 26 Août En août offrez-vous une formation Qt en français avec un expert. Apprenez les techniques de développement d’applications graphiques modernes, en utilisant la technologie Qt Quick (basée sur le langage QML) ainsi que la technologie objet Qt/C++. “Mon équipe C++ a été ravie de cette formation. […]