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GammaRay 2.6.0 – a major new release

GammaRay Model Inspector. GammaRay 2.6 brings you three major new features: We merged the previous model and selection models tools into a new, unified QAbstractItemModel inspector, allowing you to now also see selections and cell flags, as well as to inspect deactivated cells. The new Wayland compositor inspector enables you to observe Wayland clients of […]

KDAB talks at QtCon 2016

Hello! This is a small wrap-up fromQtCon, the biggest Qt event in Europe in 2016, that happened at the beginning of September. At QtCon the Qt community joined forces with the KDE, FSFE and VideoLAN communities, to create an exciting event in the spirit of open collaboration and participation amongst projects. During QtCon many KDAB […]

Debugging and Profiling Qt development with Milian Wolff - get up to speed with the latest Qt debugging performance tools

May 18th 2016 at our Berlin Training Facility In this training you will learn how to: • find, test and fix a host of performance issues • choose the right tool, run it and interpret complex results • use advanced tools aided by Milian’s deep technical knowledge. Course Contents • The course covers the critical tools […]

GammaRay 2.4 released

We released a new major version of GammaRay, KDAB’s Qt runtime introspection tool, in December 2015. Besides bringing you initial support for Qt 5.6, we focused on enhancing your productivity with large target applications. This includes various performance improvements such as a much faster object search, a new property editor that can dive into composite […]