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KDE and KDAB’s Akademy Award

Coruna, Spain 2015-07-25 2015-07-31 Coruna, Spain – July 25-31 KDAB’s Milian Wolff won a well-deserved KDE Akademy “Best Application” Award for his KDevelop work at this year’s annual KDE Conference, held in Coruna, Spain this July. Well done, Milian! Milian is co-maintainer of the KDevelop IDE and he and other C++ experts from KDAB were […]

C++ Meetup

Florence, Italy 2015-06-20 2015-06-20 Florence, Italy, June 20 Founded by C++ enthusiast Marco Arena, this event boasted 7 technical sessions including a brilliant one from Bartosz Milewski entitled “Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems using monads”. Our Giuseppe D’Angelo was there and was impressed by the enthusiasm, passion and friendliness of the around 60 attendees.

C++ Meetup

Berlin, Germany 2015-06-16 2015-06-17 Berlin, 16-17 June KDAB’s Milian Wolff spoke about optimization tools for C++ at the Berlin meetup. About 40 people attended and both his talk and his heaptrack memory profiling tool had excellent reviews. Well done Milian!

KDAB at the Berlin Run

Berlin, Germany 2015-06-12 2015-06-12 June 12 The newly formed KDAB Running Geeks, with ages spanning 20 years, put in a sterling effort at the Berlin Run on June 12th, the two teams coming in 439th and 1153rd respectively out of 2488 teams. Some of them could even still walk on Sunday.

Qt Contributor Summit

Oslo, Norway 2015-06-06 2015-06-07 Oslo, June 6-7 Several of KDAB’s Qt Contributors and module maintainers attended the annual Oslo meeting earlier this month. Reports affirm that our contributions to Qt 3D are well received, as will be evidenced in the Qt 5.5 release, due shortly. One of our team attending for the first time commented […]

Euro LLVM Conference

London, UK 2015-04-13 2015-04-14 London, April 13-14 On April 13th and 14th, KDAB’s Kevin Funk attended the Euro LLVM conference held at Goldsmiths College, London, to learn about the LLVM/Clang community and contribute a Lightning Talk entitled ‘Libclang Integration in the KDevelop IDE’. Sponsored by ARM, Codeplay, Google, Intel, the HSA Foundation and more, this […]

KDE PIM Sprint

Toulouse, France 2015-04-11 2015-04-11 Toulouse, France, April 11 On April 11th some of our KDABians helped to organise a first ever KDE PIM Sprint in Toulouse, France. The event saw developers winging in from across Europe to join in the fray. KDAB’s Kévin Ottens, Franck Arrecot, Rémi Benoit and Laurent Montel joined KDE and KolabSys […]

RTS Paris

Paris, France 2015-04-01 2015-04-02 France, April 1-2 KDAB exhibited at RTS Embedded Systems in Paris at the beginning of April. It was a great event, with many many visitors, this year, confirming that Qt is firmly on the landscape.

Qt Day Italy

Florence, Italy 2015-03-13 2015-03-14 Florence, March 13-14 The only Italian conference for Qt is back this Spring and we were there as sponsors. KDAB gave a real boost to this growing event with two of our star performers: Giuseppe D’Angelo and Bogdan Vatra.