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Cutelyst is a web framework built on top of Qt, using the simple and elegant approach of Catalyst framework as found in Perl. You can use it to write a REST backend to your Qt application among other things.

Ever wished you could avoid a Qt application's freezing while it's querying a database, without the complexity of threads? This video shows how to keep an application responsive with the Asynchronous SQL library. Watch the author of the library, Daniel Nicoletti, show you how it works.

00:00 Intro
00:38 Using QtSql directly
03:35 Using QtSql with threads
06:23 Using ASql
10:17 Cancelling a query with ASql
12:41 Database schema migrations with ASql

Link to download ASql (MIT license):

You can find the code shown in this video here:

All videos about Cutelyst can be found here:

About the host: 
Daniel Nicoletti is a Software Engineer at KDAB, long time KDE contributor and author of many open source projects, such as Apper, Cutelyst and ASql.

Every month our newsletter is featuring technical blogs on Qt, C++ and 3D topics:

About KDAB:

KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.
Asynchronous Database Usage with Qt and ASql

Ever wished you could avoid a Qt application's freezing while it's querying a database, without the complexity of threads? This video shows how to keep an application responsive with the Asynchronous SQL library. Watch the author of the library, Daniel Nicoletti, show you how it works.

00:00 Intro
00:38 Using QtSql directly
03:35 Using QtSql with threads
06:23 Using ASql
10:17 Cancelling a query with ASql
12:41 Database schema migrations with ASql

Link to download ASql (MIT license):

You can find the code shown in this video here:

About the host:
Daniel Nicoletti is a Software Engineer at KDAB, long time KDE contributor and author of many open source projects, such as Apper, Cutelyst and ASql.

Every month our newsletter is featuring technical blogs on Qt, C++ and 3D topics:

About KDAB:

KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.

33 4

YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aFUzYnJFX1huYnlnU1VxMFRYTlVhSC41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2

Asynchronous Database Usage with Qt and ASql

This video will demonstrate how to create both a mobile application and its web backend, using only Qt and C++ technologies. 
A part two to this video will be released in the coming weeks, to extend this demonstration with that of adding Firebase push notifications. 

00:00 Intro
1:10 Bootstrap App
2:33 Database schema
7:29 Controller endpoints
9:23 Controller implementation
16:40 Database notification
16:09 Client App
20:35 Client App - Page User
23:08 Client App - Page Messages
25:56 Running the app

Link to download Cutelyst:
Blog link part 1:

Asql video:

You can find the code shown in this video here:
Note: delete build folder for Android code provided to work.

All videos about Cutelyst can be found here:

About the host:
Daniel Nicoletti is a Software Engineer at KDAB, long time KDE contributor and author of many open source projects, such as Apper, Cutelyst and ASql.

Every month our newsletter is featuring technical blogs on Qt, C++ and 3D topics:

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.
Using Cutelyst to Write a Qt REST Backend for a Qt Mobile Application (Part 1)

This video will demonstrate how to create both a mobile application and its web backend, using only Qt and C++ technologies.
A part two to this video will be released in the coming weeks, to extend this demonstration with that of adding Firebase push notifications.

00:00 Intro
1:10 Bootstrap App
2:33 Database schema
7:29 Controller endpoints
9:23 Controller implementation
16:40 Database notification
16:09 Client App
20:35 Client App - Page User
23:08 Client App - Page Messages
25:56 Running the app

Link to download Cutelyst:
Blog link part 1:

Asql video:

You can find the code shown in this video here:
Note: delete build folder for Android code provided to work.

All videos about Cutelyst can be found here:

About the host:
Daniel Nicoletti is a Software Engineer at KDAB, long time KDE contributor and author of many open source projects, such as Apper, Cutelyst and ASql.

Every month our newsletter is featuring technical blogs on Qt, C++ and 3D topics:

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.

36 0

YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aFUzYnJFX1huYnlnU1VxMFRYTlVhSC4yODlGNEE0NkRGMEEzMEQy

Using Cutelyst to Write a Qt REST Backend for a Qt Mobile Application (Part 1)

Firebase push notifications are added in part 2 so the Mobile App gets a message, even when the app is not open.
You can watch part 1, 'Using Cutelyst to Write a Qt REST Backend for a Qt Mobile Application,' here:

0:00 Intro
0:36 Review of part 1
1:19 Issues with notifications when the app is not running
2:32 Adding FirebaseAdminQt library (Server part)
5:01 Creating a Firebase Project
7:35 Creating Push Notifications
9:35 Configuring Client app
13:04 Adding Firebase C++ and FirebaseQt wrapper
16:44 Integrating Firebase with QML
19:53 Running the Application

* Link to download Cutelyst:
* If the link above doesn't work, try this one:
* Link to download the Google Firebase SDK (C++):
* Firebase documentation:

* Blog link part 2:
* Blog link part 1:

You can find the code shown in this video here:
Note: delete build folder for Android code provided to work.

All videos about Cutelyst can be found here:

About the host: 
Daniel Nicoletti is a Software Engineer at KDAB, a long time KDE contributor, and author of many open source projects, such as Apper, Cutelyst and ASql.

Every month, our newsletter is featuring technical blogs on Qt, C++ and 3D topics:

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.
Implementing Firebase Push Notifications in a Qt Mobile Application

Firebase push notifications are added in part 2 so the Mobile App gets a message, even when the app is not open.
You can watch part 1, 'Using Cutelyst to Write a Qt REST Backend for a Qt Mobile Application,' here:

00:00 Intro
0:36 Review of part 1
1:19 Issues with notifications when the app is not running
2:32 Adding FirebaseAdminQt library (Server part)
5:01 Creating a Firebase Project
7:35 Creating Push Notifications
9:35 Configuring Client app
13:04 Adding Firebase C++ and FirebaseQt wrapper
16:44 Integrating Firebase with QML
19:53 Running the Application

Link to download Cutelyst:
Link to download the Google Firebase SDK (C++):
Firebase documentation:

Blog link part 2:
Blog link part 1:

You can find the code shown in this video here:
Note: delete build folder for Android code provided to work.

All videos about Cutelyst can be found here:

About the host:
Daniel Nicoletti is a Software Engineer at KDAB, a long time KDE contributor, and author of many open source projects, such as Apper, Cutelyst and ASql.

Every month, our newsletter is featuring technical blogs on Qt, C++ and 3D topics:

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.

33 9

YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aFUzYnJFX1huYnlnU1VxMFRYTlVhSC4wMTcyMDhGQUE4NTIzM0Y5

Implementing Firebase Push Notifications in a Qt Mobile Application