This month saw two whitepaper publications from KDAB. Firstly, continuing our focus on Containers, KDAB's Till Adam gave us Why the future of software lies in Containers. Then Christoph Sterz laid out what hardware companies need to take on board for a successful transition to becoming a software company: The 9 Key Components to Software Competency. Put your feet up for a few minutes and enjoy a couple of deep dives. Why the future of software lies in containersby Till Adam In a recent article, my colleague Andrew Hayzen puts it perfectly: “To understand containers is to understand the future of software development.” We couldn’t agree more, especially for embedded systems. But what are containers? What advantages do they offer? Are they right for your software shop and your embedded products? Will they improve development, testing and deployment? Are there disadvantages? In this article, we’ll talk about containers from several different angles in order to help you answer these questions for yourself. Read the whitepaper. The 9 Key Components of Software Competencyby Christoph Sterz For organizations with decades of hardware experience, the transition to software as a key differentiator can be as difficult as it is necessary. But it can also be an opportunity for growth, to maintain leadership, or to leapfrog to the front. Nico Meijerman, a chip designer who moved over to software and is now leading a team developing software competency in NTS Group, neatly summed up the situation for many hardware companies: “Customers now require software-driven features, and their suppliers must re-orient their core competencies to deliver them – or someone else will.” Here are nine tips to help smooth the path when you bring software competency into your hardware company. Read the whitepaper. |