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| | | This month we are Introducing KD Bindings: Reactive Programming and Data Binding in C++, while Loose Coupling with Signals and Slots: Connecting (Almost) Any Function to a Signal, goes into some of the details. Jesper Pedersen and family add four more lessons to the Qt Widgets and More series and there's more news about (real) Events, including the opening of ticket sales to our Qt Developer Conference! Enjoy! | |
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| | | | Introducing KDBindings Reactive Programming and Data Binding in C++ |
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| | | by Sean Harmer All Qt developers should know about signals, slots, and properties. Those of you who have used QML will know that property bindings are super useful and cool. Bindings allow us to write more reactive and declarative style code. However, they are only available within QML, which means there are no compile time errors when you do something wrong. Until now . . . Read the blog. | |
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| | | | | Loose Couplings with Signals and Slots Connecting (Almost) Any Function to a Signal |
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| | | | Leon gives an in-depth look under the hood and provides numerous code examples to help you make the best of KDBindings where loose couplings are what you're dealing with. Read the blog. See Leon's interview about it in January's KDAB News. | |
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| | | | | Qt Widgets and more - January additions |
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| | | | | Jesper shows you how to run these helpful tools for static analysis, two different ways: | |
| | | See how to back up your source files every 10 minutes on Linux, then Jesper offers some useful techniques involving qDebug. See the whole series. | |
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| | | | | | Before we kick off with the Events for 2022, we thought you'd like to listen to this podcast: ‘Building the Open Metaverse'. Born out of a BOF session at last year's SIGGRAPH, it's driving the conversation around interoperability and open standards, addressing such questions as ‘Can we get USD and GLTF on a converging path?’. Take some time out and find out about the real Metaverse, from the bleeding edge. | |
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| | | | | | | Postponed from the Spring to the Summer. It looks like a prolonged visit to Germany is in order this summer! KDAB will be there with The Qt Company and in other ways too. We'll keep you posted. | |
| | | We are happy to give a shout out to three more C++ events that will take place in physical space in 2022: CppNow, 1 - 6 May, USACppCon, 11 - 16 Sept, USA If you're quick, you will catch the Calls for Contributions to the programs, or Early Bird ticket offers. | |
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| | | | | Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB (KDAB) |
| Box 30, 683 21, Hagfors, Sweden |
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