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Events Update March ’14

p>Embedded World Nuremberg – February 25 – 27

KDAB exhibited in two places this February at EW Nuremberg. We had our own stand in the Software Hall, and contributed as a Qt partner to the Qt by Digia stand in Tools.

KDAB displayed a host of top class Qt powered demos this year, including Aucos/GammaRay on a big screen, the Lindauer weaving machine, Medical 3D – with its Qt5 built-in OpenGL facilities and a Patient Care System for both desktop and Android. The QNX/Qt-powered Marine Buck, a framework for building In-Vehicle Infotainment systems, was an attention grabber, as was the Qt 5 on Windows EC7, with OpenGL accelerated graphics, on a Toradex Collibri T20 board. Many of these demos were displayed again in our All-In-One Mother Demo which was hosted at the Qt by Digia stand.

Visitors to the KDAB stand were vastly increased over previous years – Qt on embedded is the ‘new sexy’ and the community is waking up to the wonders of Qt in a world of rapid change where cross-functional reliability is key.

Conference and Tradeshow Highlights in 2014

  • Device Developer Conference, May 5 and 6, June
  • Qt Contributors’ Summit, June 10th and 11th, Berlin

  • Qt Developer Days Europe, October 6 – 8, Berlin

  • C++ Conference, December 5 – 6, Berlin

See more details here…

Categories: Uncategorized

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