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GammaRay 2.11.2 released

GammaRay 2.11.2

We have released version 2.11.2 of our Qt application introspection tool GammaRay, bringing support for Qt 5.15 and improved Qt Quick item picking.

GammaRay is a software introspection tool for Qt applications developed by KDAB. Leveraging the QObject introspection mechanism it allows you to observe and manipulate your application at runtime. This works both locally on your workstation and remotely on an embedded target.

GammaRay is available as part of the Qt Automotive Suite including QtCreator integration and professional support, in the Qt Market Place, or GPL-licensed on Github.

GammaRay Tutorials

Another important update you may have missed is that we now offer short, highly informative tutorials to help you get the best out of GammaRay. View the videos on our playlist.

GammaRay supports Linux, OSX and Windows users.

Find out more on our GammaRay home page.

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Categories: KDAB Blogs / KDAB on Qt

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