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GammaRay 2.9.1 Release

GammarayWe have released version 2.9.1 of our Qt application introspection tool GammaRay. Besides important improvements for use in Android APK bundles this release fixes a number of corner cases in the Qt Quick remote view, including crashes and corrupt view content when encountering certain non-integer high DPI scaling factors. Problems with activating the Qt 3D inspector when attaching to a running target have also been addressed, as well as build issues with pre-release versions of Qt 5.12. Next to maintaining the 2.9 series we are also working on some new features for the upcoming 2.10 release of course, such as a new unified system information view and a QtPositioning inspector allowing interactive location overrides and NMEA log replays. If GammaRay helps you, please consider helping us to focus on the tools and platforms important to you by contributing usage statistics (see Help > Contribute… in the GammaRay client). Find out more… Download GammaRay here  

Categories: KDAB on Qt / Qt / Tooling

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