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January ’20 – monthly digest


A little hidden gem: QStringIterator

by Giuseppe D’Angelo and Marc Mutz

A few days ago Marc Mutz, colleague of mine at KDAB and also author in this blog, spotted a function from Qt’s source code (documentation).

Apart from the mistake of considering empty strings not uppercase, which can be easily fixed, the loop in the body looks innocent enough…

Read on…

Fix Qt Creator code highlighting on Windows/MSVC projects How to configure your projects to get code highlighting and code navigation back

by Alessandro Ambrosano

Have you ever noticed code highlighting disappearing in Qt Creator for some projects, without any apparent reason?

Can’t get Ctrl+Click to work on any class name or function name anymore?

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New features and changes in the Kuesa 1.1.0 release

by Jean-Michaël Celerier

The main objective for this release was to ensure compliance with the Khronos glTF 2.0 specification. We made sure that Kuesa works on a wide range of target hardware, be it desktop, mobile or embedded.

In addition, a great deal of work has been put into a nice technical documentation, following the Qt standards. You can find it here:

Kuesa 1.1.0 supports Qt 5.12.5, 5.13, and the recently released Qt 5.14.

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Changes in Qt’s Offering

Earlier this week, The Qt Company announced a few changes

  • a new, low-cost edition of Qt for small companies and startups.
  • a Qt account needed to install Qt binaries (for open source users as well).
  • starting with the patch releases for Qt 5.15, long-term supported releases – in short LTS – will be commercial-only .

We’ll be keeping an eye on developments over time.

Find out more…

QML tutorials: Module 2 now on-line

In this, the second module of our “Introduction to Qt / QML” video series, we will delve further into how to use some basic QML components and arrange them on the screen in order to build user interfaces from the bottom up.

Take the tutorial...

KDAB Challenge results

Participants from three countries, Italy, North Macedonia and England, were the lucky winners from those who got the answers right. The top prize was the latest Braumeister home-brewing kit, (which we demo’d at Embedded World) and the runners up each received a remarkable Remarkable from another of KDAB’s satisfied customers.

Find out more...


The Future of Embedded Software An industry-wide view of some of the challenges

by Andy Gryc and Nancy Young

A timely look at the state of software today and what’s needed going forward, in advance of the biggest embedded event in Europe (see below).

Features Lars Knoll, Jared Spool, Kalle Dalheimer, Till Adam and others.

Read more and download the brochure…

Choosing a Software Stack Is Qt right for your project?

One of the most difficult choices when starting any new software project is selecting the programming language and framework your team will use to create it. Should you stick with Qt because it’s the best tool for the job? Should you switch to something using web-based technology or designed explicitly for mobile? Is Python a better choice to integrate in machine-learning capabilities?

Read more and download the article…


Embedded World, Nuremberg – Feb 25 – 27

We share a booth with The Qt Company and have some great new demos to show off.

Read more…

QtDay Italy, Florence – March 13 – 14

KDAB will be gold sponsors at QtDay Italy.

We’ll be giving two talks.

Read more…

Qt World Summit, Palm Springs – May 12 – 14

We’re Gold sponsors and share the training day with Qt partners.


Categories: KDAB Monthly Digest

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