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June ’21 – monthly digest


On the Removal of toSet(), toList() and Others or “How Do I Convert a QList to QSet in Qt 6?”

by Giuseppe D’Angelo

Between Qt 5.14 and Qt 5.15, my colleague, Marc Mutz, and I submitted a series of patches to Qt that added “range constructors” to the Qt containers. This brought Qt containers one step closer to…C++98 feature parity! 🙂

Read on…

State of Native Big File Handling in Git

by Miłosz Kosobucki

After many struggles with using git LFS on repositories that need to store big files, I decided to spend some time on checking the status of the built-in partial clone functionality that could possibly let you achieve the same (as of git 2.30).

TL;DR: The building blocks are there, but server-side support is spotty and critical tooling is missing. It’s not very usable yet, but it’s getting there.

Read on…

Kuesa Object Picking

by Andrew Hayzen

In a 3D scene, you may want to allow the user to select entities within the scene and then the scene to react depending on what has been selected. For example, if a certain object within a scene is selected, a popup could be shown displaying extra information or a visual hint could point towards the selected object.

Read on…

Kuesa 3D Studio accelerates time-to-market by taking the pain out of rapid customization and iteration of 3D designs. Designers and developers love it.



KDDockWidgets 1.3.1 released

This is a small release, dealing with a few bug fixes and small improvements only.

The release highlights can be seen here on github.



Multithreading with Qt – new video series

David Faure explains how to write code that will execute in multiple threads to gain more performance from multiple cores, without blocking the main thread. This is the Introduction to the series of 7, of which 3 are now published:

See the series playlist…

Qt Widgets and More – developing Qt Designer plug-ins

The first 4 of 6 videos in this series within a series from Jesper Pedersen have now been released. This is Part 1 – Widgets Promotion:

See the full Qt Widgets and More playlist…

Heaptrack – Why does my Linux application use so much memory?

See our other demo videos here…



2D Graph scene in Rust – Recorded Webinar

Three weeks ago, KDAB’s Gerhard de Clerq delivered a 2 hour in-depth webinar at the ongoing online 2021 RustLab Conference.

Watch it here…

KDE Akademy in KDAB News

KDE Akademy – June 18 – 25

We interviewed KDE’s Kai Uwe Broulik about the latest KDE Akademy for our June edition of KDAB News. We took the opportunity to ask him about KDE’s future plans, how the migration to Qt 6 is going, and to tell us about the new initiatives coming out of their annual meeting.

Watch the interview in KDAB News…

Talks are being published already and can be found here…

Scroll down to see the titled individual talks.

Qt Developer Conference – Sept 28 – 30, Berlin

By the time you read this, the CfP for Qt DevCon will be closed and we’ll be scrambling to put together a program from a rich choice of top class submissions.

The Qt Company will be offering a Qt 6 Update and Roadmap as well as contributing to the Training Day on the 28th. The full training information is being finalized (and the titles fine-tuned) but here’s a preview of the one-day training classes you’ll be able to choose from:

  • QML Application Architecture – KDAB
  • Custom components and rendering deep-dive – KDAB
  • Introduction to CMake – KDAB
  • What’s new in C++20? – KDAB
  • Profiling & Debugging for Linux – KDAB
  • Introduction to QML – KDAB
  • Different approaches to 3D in Qt – KDAB
  • Software Compliance – Software Compliance Academy
  • Qt On MCUs – The Qt Company
  • Qt Programming with Squish – Froglogic and The Qt Company

An opportunity not to be missed. Training classes will not be live-streamed or recorded.

Check here for updates…

Other Event News

Next month we’ll be talking about SIGGRAPH, CppCon, and Meeting C++.

The CfP for Meeting C++ closes July 11th. Check it out!

For more information on upcoming events, check out our Events page…

Categories: KDAB Monthly Digest

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