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KDAB at CppCon 2021 October 24-29th

CppCon is the annual, week-long face-to-face gathering for the entire C++ community – the biggest C++ event in the world. This year, CppCon takes place both Online and at the Gaylord Rockies Hotel and Convention Center in Aurora, Colorado.

KDAB is a Registration sponsor, and Ivan Čukić is offering a talk on Wednesday, October 27th 10:30 am – 11:30 am MDT as part of the Software Design Track.

“Design Idioms from an Alternate Universe”

It is common to see different design idioms and patterns in different programming paradigms as they represent /the way/ something should be implemented in a given paradigm, and each paradigm is special enough for its way to be completely different to the way taken by the other ones.

While C++ is an one of a kind multiparadigm langugage, people tend to use object-oriented patterns with it most of the time. Generic and functional programming are also where C++ shines, so why avoid learning and using idioms from those two paradigms? People often think that they need to stick to a single paradigm not realizing that the true power lies in skillfully combining all of them.

This talk will present several software design idioms that people usually connect with generic and functional programming disciplines, but which are highly applicable to the usual code most of the contemporary C++ developers write every day.

About Ivan Čukić

Senior Software Engineer, KDAB. Dr. Ivan Čukić is the author of “Functional Programming in C++” published by Manning. He is a senior software engineer at KDAB. Also, one of the core developers in KDE for more than a decade, the largest free/libre open source C++ project.


Categories: KDAB on Qt / Upcoming Events

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