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KDAB at Embedded Technology in Japan November 14th - 16th

Embedded Technology in Japan took place earlier this month and we are thrilled about our first participation in this event which attracted more than 400 exhibitors and over 25000 visitors.

We are also thankful to our partners SRA group and ISB Corporation for welcoming us heartily to their booths and for making this cultural experience possible.

IoT and embedded were at the center of the exhibition and we were proud to support our Japanese partners during the event by providing our expertise in C++, Qt and 3D.

If you couldn’t join us, here is some information about what we displayed :

– At the ISB Corporation booth

Nautical Navigation infotainment demo – our luxury sailboat dashboard demo

See our video here…

– At the Software Research Associates Inc. (SRA Group) booth

OPW mPro measuring station customer showcase for the management, monitoring and automation of precision measurement systems in the context of quality control.

See more here…

Finally both booths will show our brand new 3D product that we premiered there:

Kuesa is a product that provides an integrated and unified workflow for designers and developers to create, optimize and integrate real time 3D content in a 3D or hybrid 2D/3D Qt application. Kuesa includes plugins, tools and libraries that are available for both embedded and desktop applications.

Read more about Kuesa here…

Thanks to everybody who joined us there and see you next year!

Categories: Events / KDAB on Qt / Past Events

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