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KDAB at Meeting C++ in Berlin November 12th - 14th, 2023

KDAB is proud to be a Silver Sponsor at this year’s Meeting C++, a highly recommended 3-day hybrid event for the European C++ community, offering 44 Talks in 4 tracks, November 12th – 14th.

While this is also an in-person event, there is a substantial concurrent online program, so that high-class international speakers can easily contribute, and C++ enthusiasts unable to get to Berlin can still attend parts of it in real-time. Online talks are pre-recorded so that speakers can interact with attendees during the event.

Check out the Schedule and find out more about the innovative way the organiser, Jens Weller, has set this event up for maximum benefit of the C++ community.

Talk highlights

On Day 3 in Track A-hybrid, KDAB’s Ivan Čukić will give the closing Keynote at 14:00. Ivan is a core KDE contributor and has been coding in C++ since 1998. Ivan also teaches modern C++ and functional programming at the University of Belgrade and wrote a very well-received book on the subject. His talks are always highly informative and entertaining.

On Day 2 at 17:00, also in Track A, KDAB’s Shivam Kunwar will be giving a talk on Optimizing Multithreaded Performance: Unveiling False Sharing and Harnessing Hardware Destructive Interference. Shivam has a deep-rooted interest and knowledge base in open source technologies, software performance, compilers, RISC-V, and modern C++. He also has a fascination for astronomy and particle physics.

Other highlights include Keynotes from:

All in all, a prestigious and worthy event we hope you’ll attend also.

Sign up if you can.

Categories: KDAB on Qt

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