We are proud to announce that KDAB is now a contributor member of the Khronos Group, a not for profit, member-funded consortium focused on the creation of royalty-free open standards for parallel computing, graphics and dynamic media on a wide variety of platforms and devices.
As a contributor member of the Khronos Group, KDAB is looking forward to being involved in the development of upcoming OpenGL versions, and bringing a new perspective on the API design based upon our extensive usage of OpenGL within Qt and on customer projects.
As a Qt contributor, KDAB is aiming for a better integration of OpenGL with Qt's rendering stack and better support for cross platform devices while striving for the most efficient use of the hardware. This is an opportunity to sit down with other Khronos members, major players in this field, ranging from chip manufacturer, GPU vendors to driver designers, in order to share and gather insights on the next generation of rendering technologies.
Following the announcement of the Vulkan API by Khronos, KDAB is very happy to see that Vulkan will offer a route to very high performance graphics and computer functionality on today's and tomorrow's GPU hardware. Vulkan builds upon 2 decades of experience with OpenGL and other APIs and offers a low-level but consistent approach to maximising the performance of the available hardware across many platforms. In particular, Vulkan's threading model will enable engine writers and integrators to better leverage the larger numbers of CPU cores present in modern systems.
Joining The Khronos Group is a natural step for KDAB since the company has been involved with OpenGL and open standards for many years. Being of member of The Khronos Group will help us ensure that our OpenGL trainings are 100% OpenGL conformant and that they incorporate the latest OpenGL features taught by trainers at the forefront of OpenGL innovations. Furthermore, as a key contributor of the Qt3D module to be released as a Technology Preview with Qt 5.5, KDAB is dedicated to pursue its work toward a configurable, data driven, cross platform 3D rendering engine for Qt using OpenGL as a first class citizen. KDAB is also excited to investigate how Vulkan can be integrated into Qt3D and other parts of Qt in the future.
3 - Mar - 2015
Joakim Dahl
Great news! Vulkan and Qt should make a perfect match for the future!
3 - Mar - 2015
Good graphics
9 - Mar - 2015
I am looking forward to using Qt with the latest VR platforms.
23 - Mar - 2015
I felt like comming to your blog and asking about Vulkan but here you are already. Is there any vision when there will be any Vulkan support in Qt? Qt 5.6? I hope that there will be an easy way to adopt Vulkan "instances" or whatever they'll be calling them in current or near future versions of Qt.
23 - Mar - 2015
Sean Harmer
It's still very early days as yet. We are thinking about various ways of integrating Vulkan into Qt. With Vulkan's layered architecture there are several levels of integration possible. Adoption of Vulkan instances, analogous to the adoption of native GL context's that is present in Qt is certainly one consideration.
23 - Mar - 2015
Sean Harmer
It's still very early days as yet. We are thinking about various ways of integrating Vulkan into Qt. With Vulkan's layered architecture there are several levels of integration possible. Adoption of Vulkan instances, analogous to the adoption of native GL context's that is present in Qt is certainly one consideration.