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KDAB at Qt World Summit 2016

This year’s Qt World Summit was held in Pier 27 in San Francisco – a spectacular location, that was blessed with gorgeous sunshine and close to 600 attendees, surely a record attendance for the US version of what used to be called Qt Developer Days.

Kevin Kelly’s statement on the future Ubiquity of VR
Partner Q&A with KDAB's Kalle Dalheimer
Partner Q&A with KDAB’s Kalle Dalheimer

KDAB’s Qt Automotive Suite Demo
Qt Garage – aka The Exhibition Floor at QtWS16
KDAB Experts at KDAB Booth

The change in name was clearly reflected in the content at this year’s event, where Inspiration and Excitement were the focus, exemplified by the choice of Keynote speakers on the first morning.

We heard about the “Inevitables” in the future of technology from the founder of Wired magazine, Kevin Kelly (“Productivity is for robots”, and “You’ll be paid by how well you work with AIs”) and a heady rush of success stories from entrepreneurs like Philip Rosedale, the inventor of Second Life, to Goran Hacek (Rimac Automobile) who delighted us with the amazing story of how his boss went from winning drag races in Croatia in a converted BMW3 running on electricity, to producing the Concept Electric SuperCar, putting Croatia on the Automotive map in a way nobody had anticipated. All of these are using Qt somewhere in their 3D/AR/VR interfaces, needless to say.

KDAB had four very well-attended talks in the program, each reflecting a different area of our unique expertise – Qt 3D, Qt on Android, Qt on iOS and GammaRay, as well as contributing to panel discussions on the future of Qt and Qt Automotive Suite which we also helped to develop, along with The Qt Company and Pelagicore. Our contributions to Qt did not go unnoticed, and were brought out in the sponsored Live Theatre session we gave on the final afternoon.

On the pre-conference training day we contributed to, the highly appreciative attendees were also able to learn from the experts about What’s New in C++11-C++14, Debugging and Profiling for Qt Applications and Model/View Programming in Qt, in addition to the training on Qt 3D from its creator, Sean Harmer. As Platinum Sponsors, KDAB had a booth alongside The Qt Company in an arena that was laid out so that it was hard to distinguish where one booth began and the other ended.

Nonetheless KDAB stood out with our trademark distinctive demos. As usual, we were easy to find – just follow the Suits ;).

In addition to our booth attractions we also displayed some of our customer case studies, including the Specialized Turbo Vado bikes, which will be released next spring, where KDAB is assisting in the GUI, using Qt. The Turbo Vado will feature a removable touch sensitive display, powered from the battery, that will offer routing and mapping as well as the usual computer functions.

In the space next to our booth we had some Thymio educational robots roaming around. Designed to teach children programming, the next generation of these little guys includes a tablet-based visual programming environment and a gamified augmented reality tutorial, using Qt 5.7 and Qt 3D.

All in all the event was a great success at this distinctly American, California-style, event, right down to the delicious conference food, served from colorful food trucks on the waterfront.

As the penny dropped about KDAB’s expertise, we got more and more enquiries at our booth which will surely help further consolidate our customer base in the USA in the years to come.

Food Trucks California Style
Visitors to KDAB Booth
KDAB expert Bogdan Vatra with his Spectacol demo

Categories: Events / KDAB Blogs / Past Events

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