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KDAB Talks at Qt World Summit Berlin Thursday Dec 6th

KDAB presented two great talks at Qt World Summit. At 13:30, you could get an in-depth look at a new concept for designers and developers with James Turner. At 14:30, Milian Wolff presented some of KDAB’s renowned opensource tools, some of which, like Hotspot, he created himself.

Streamlined integration of 3D content straight from 3DS Max and Blender into Qt3D

with James Turner

Qt 3D is now established as the ideal 3D rendering engine for cross platform applications needing to integrate 3D content with 2D interfaces in a seamless way. The scene graph lets developers import and control geometry and materials, while the frame graph can be used to build advanced rendering  effects with ease.

 However, just as in the case of 2D content, best results are achieved when designers and developer share a common experience and toolset. Yet the tools used to author 3D scenes, the geometry, the materials, the lighting, the animations, are all very different from what most developers are familiar with. In this talk, we introduce techniques and principles which make the collaboration between designers and developers smoother. We identify the major pain points and highlight tools and patterns for addressing each of them. We will look at data formats, model conditioning, runtime integration and rendering effects in order to produce compelling applications integrating 3D content with a traditional 2D interface. We will illustrate all these concepts with a running example.

KDAB’s Opensource Tools for Qt

with Milian Wolff

Richard Feynman is considered one of the greatest physicists, largely because he was able to build lots of practical mathematical tools that greatly simplify the analysis of complex phenomena, thus making them accessible and useful to many. KDAB maintains its position as the leading Qt consulting firm, partly because of the huge effort KDAB’s top-class engineers put into R&D projects to build great tooling for Qt applications. This tooling has helped countless other engineers solve bugs in their code, fix performance issues and prevent more problems from slipping into codebases. The cherry on top of all this Qt goodness is that KDAB publishes its tooling under Opensource licenses! Come to this talk if you want to discover how KDAB’s awesome Opensource Tools for Qt can help you. View the full agenda here.

See the talks here.

Categories: Events / KDAB on Qt / Qt3D / Tooling

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