This is a small wrap-up fromQtCon, the biggest Qt event in Europe in 2016, that happened at the beginning of September. At QtCon the Qt community joined forces with the KDE, FSFE and VideoLAN communities, to create an exciting event in the spirit of open collaboration and participation amongst projects.
During QtCon many KDAB engineers gave in-depth technical talks about Qt, QML, Qt3D, OpenGL and the other technologies around Qt development. All the sessions were of the highest quality, as you may expect from KDAB speakers, and extremely well received by the audience.
In case you missed some, here's a complete list. You can view each talk's recording by following the links.
In no particular order:
- Qt 3D and Physics Based Rendering, by Sean Harmer
- All about Qt on Android, by BogDan Vatra
- KDE development, how it was done in the last century, by David Faure
- KDE PIM Status Report, by Daniel Vrátil
- Refactor Your OpenGL Legacy With Style, by Kevin Ottens
- Qt 3D Basics, by Kevin Ottens
- Writing custom Qt Quick components using OpenGL, by Kevin Funk
- Linux perf for Qt developers, by Milian Wolff
- Integrating OpenGL with Qt Quick 2 applications, by Giuseppe D'Angelo
- Multithreading with Qt, by Giuseppe D'Angelo
- GammaRay: Taking a deep look into your Qt application, by Volker Krause
See you at the Qt World Summit!
6 - Oct - 2016
Are the Qt3D code examples available to download somewhere? E.g. qt3d/ex-hellodonut-qml?
6 - Oct - 2016
Giuseppe D'Angelo
I think some of the code examples shown during the talks are available in official repository (qt3d/examples); the others are coming soon (they need to be polished a little bit), stay tuned for a blog post here :)