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KDDockWidgets 1.3.0 Released QtQuick and PySide6 support, and more minor fixes

kddockwidgets logoWe’ve released KDDockWidgets 1.3.0! KDDockWidgets is a framework for custom-tailored docking systems in Qt.

The main highlights for this release are PySide6 and experimental QtQuick support.

The QtQuick backend isn’t production ready, but you can already build with -DKDDockWidgets_QTQUICK=ON, run the examples under examples/qtquick/dockwidgets/ and start reporting issues.

Here’s the full list of changes:

  • Experimental QtQuick support (#49)
  • PySide6 support
  • Added static DockWidgetBase::byName() (#126)
  • The enum KDDockWidgets::AddingOption has been deprecated, use KDDockWidgets::InitialVisibilityOption instead
  • You can now pass a preferred initial size to MainWindow::addDockWidget() (#95)
  • Added DockWidgetBase::Option_DeleteOnClose
  • Added Config::Flag_CloseOnlyCurrentTab
  • Layout restorer now restores maximized/minimized state too (#81)
  • Fixed dock indicators sometimes not appearing on Windows (#103)
  • Fixed Flag_NativeTitleBar not working
  • Fixed drag offset when dragging too fast with mouse
  • Fixed bug where last tab index position wouldn’t be remembered in case user had manually reordered tabs (#154)
  • Fixed crash when hosting a QQuickWidget (#150)
  • Fixed CMake Visual Studio generator not working
  • Sidebar overlays now maintain their size when toggled (#155)
  • Added DockWidget::setFloatingGeometry() (#144)

Additionally, we’ve released version 1.2.1. It’s just a bug fix release over the 1.2 branch, which is now closed.

  • Support for resizing dock widgets when they are in overlay/popup mode (autohide/sidebar feature)
  • Fixed title bar close button enabled state not being restored with Layout saver (#137)
  • Installs a version header (kddockwidgets_version.h) that defines a version string and other useful versioning macros (#138)
  • DockWidgetBase::eventFilter() is protected instead of private (regression vs v1.1) (#148) It’s recommended that you rebuild your application when updating KDDW, as MSVC encodes private/protected in the name mangling.
  • Fixed WASM build on Windows (#163)
  • Fixed sidebar overlay not getting hidden when clicking on the main window docking area (#157)


You can find 1.3.0 here and 1.2.1 here.

Prebuilt packages for some popular Linux distributions are here:

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