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KDGpu 0.5.0 is here!

Our Vulkan wrapper now has OpenXR integration and more.

The PBR example in the new KDGpu Examples repository.

A KDGpu example running natively on an Android device.

the KDGpu Hello Triangle example running in the iOS simulator

const TextureOptions textureOptions = {
    .type = TextureType::TextureType2D,
    .format = Format::R8G8B8A8_SNORM,
    .extent = { 512, 512, 1 },
    .mipLevels = 1,
    .usage = TextureUsageFlagBits::SampledBit,
    .memoryUsage = MemoryUsage::GpuOnly,
    .externalMemoryHandleType = ExternalMemoryHandleTypeFlagBits::OpaqueFD,

Texture t = device.createTexture(textureOptions);
const MemoryHandle externalHandleOrFD = t.externalMemoryHandle();
class ProjectionLayer : public XrProjectionLayer
void ProjectionLayer::renderView()

    // Update the scene data once per frame
    if (m_currentViewIndex == 0) {

    // Update the per-view camera matrices

    auto commandRecorder = m_device->createCommandRecorder();

    // Set up the render pass using the current color and depth texture views
    m_opaquePassOptions.colorAttachments[0].view = m_colorSwapchains[m_currentViewIndex].textureViews[m_currentColorImageIndex];
    m_opaquePassOptions.depthStencilAttachment.view = m_depthSwapchains[m_currentViewIndex].textureViews[m_currentDepthImageIndex];
    auto opaquePass = commandRecorder.beginRenderPass(m_opaquePassOptions);

   // Do the rest of your rendering commands to this pass...
// Create a projection layer to render the 3D scene
const XrProjectionLayerOptions projectionLayerOptions = {
    .device = &m_device,
    .queue = &m_queue,
    .session = &m_session,
    .colorSwapchainFormat = m_colorSwapchainFormat,
    .depthSwapchainFormat = m_depthSwapchainFormat,
    .samples = m_samples.get()
m_projectionLayer = createCompositorLayer<ProjectionLayer>(projectionLayerOptions);

Screenshot from our N-Body Compute example.

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