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KDSoap 2.0.0 Released

KDSoap 2.0.0 was just released!

What is KDSoap?

KDSoap is a tool for creating client applications for web services, without the need for any further component such as a dedicated web server. This tool makes it possible to interact with applications which have APIs that can be exported as SOAP objects. The web service then provides a machine-accessible interface to its functionality via HTTP.

KDSoap also supports writing SOAP servers easily, using Qt code.

About 2.0.0

KDSoap 2.0.0 is our first release that supports Qt 6, in addition to Qt 5. Also, the qmake buildsystem is fully removed in favor of CMake.

Other fixes and improvements that come with v2.0.0 include an uninstall target in the buildsystem, generation+installation of the API manual in qch format for Qt assistant, and the addition of options to the KDSoapClient class specifying the SOAP action sending method.

Need more information?

Here is a list of release highlights:


  • Supports Qt6 in addition to Qt5
  • Minimum Qt version is 5.9
  • The qmake buildsystem (via is removed in favor of CMake
  • buildsystem: a new ‘docs’ target is created when CMake -DKDSoap_DOCS=True.
  • buildsystem: the API manual is now generated in build/docs vice source/docs.
  • buildsystem: added an uninstall target
  • buildsystem: generate and install kdsoap-version.h
  • The API manual is generated+installed in qch format for Qt assistant.


  • Added options to the KDSoapClient class specifying the SOAP action sending method

WSDL parser / code generator changes, applying to both client and server side:

  • Fix generated code in case a variable is called “d” or “q”
  • Fix generated code for an enumeration type with a length restriction
  • Avoid potential type collisions in nested complexTypes


What’s next?

Get KDSoap version 2.0.0.

Learn more about KDSoap.

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