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KDTableToListProxyModel: a flattening proxy model

QVariant MyModel::data(const QModelIndelIndex &index, int role) const override {
    Q_ASSERT(checkIndex(index), QAbstractItemModel::CheckIndexOption::IndexIsValid));
    int row = index.row(); // column is 0 by definition, this is a list model
    switch (role) {
    case NameRole: return ~~~;
    case PhoneNumberRole: return ~~~;
    return {};
QHash<int, QByteArray> MyModel::roleNames() const override {
    return { { NameRole, "name" }, { PhoneNumberRole, "phoneNumber" } };
ListView {
    model: myModel
    delegate: Item {
        width: parent.width
        height: 30
        Text {
            anchors.left: parent.left
            text: // <-- HERE
        Text {
            anchors.right: parent.right
            text: model.phoneNumber // <-- HERE
auto tableToListProxy = new KDTableToListProxyModel;
tableToListProxy->setRoleMapping(0, Qt::UserRole + 0, "name", Qt::DisplayRole);
tableToListProxy->setRoleMapping(0, Qt::UserRole + 1, "flag", Qt::DecorationRole);
tableToListProxy->setRoleMapping(1, Qt::UserRole + 2, "population", Qt::DisplayRole);

// expose tableToListProxy to QML and use it from there
tableToListProxy->setRoleMapping(1, Qt::UserRole + 2, "population", Qt::DisplayRole);

Giuseppe D’Angelo

Senior Software Engineer

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