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Laying Out Components with Qt Quick and JSON

Factory Design Techniques - Part 2

// Root component of the factory and nodes
    Component {
        id: loaderComp
        required property var modelData
        Loader {
            id: instantiator
            // ...
            onItemChanged: {
                // ...
                if (typeof(modelData.x) === "number")
                    loaderComp.x = modelData.x;
                if (typeof(modelData.y) === "number")
                    loaderComp.y = modelData.y;
                // ...
import QtQuick.Layouts

Item {
    ColumnLayout {
        Button {
            text: "1st button"
            Layout.fillWidth: true
        Button {
            text: "2nd button"
            Layout.fillWidth: true
property var factoryModel: [
            "component": "ColumnLayout",
            "children": [
                    "component": "Button",
                    "text": "1st button",
                    "Layout_fillWidth": true
                    "component": "Button",
                    "text": "2nd button",
                    "Layout_fillWidth": true
// Root component of the factory and nodes
    Component {
        id: loaderComp
        Loader {
            id: instantiator
            required property var modelData
            sourceComponent: switch (modelData.component) {
                case "Button":
                return buttonComp;
                case "Column":
                return columnComp;
                case "ColumnLayout":
                return columnLayoutComp;
            onItemChanged: {
                // Pass children
                if (typeof(modelData.children) === "object")
                    item.model = modelData.children;

                // Layouts
                if (typeof(modelData.Layout_fillWidth) === "bool") {
                    // Apply fillWidth to the container instead of the item
                    instantiator.Layout.fillWidth = modelData.Layout_fillWidth;
                    // Anchor the item to the container so that it produces the desired behavior
                    item.anchors.left = loaderComp.left;
                    item.anchors.right = loaderComp.right;

                // Button properties
                switch (modelData.component) {
                    case "Button":
                    // If the model contains certain value, we may assign it:
                    if (typeof(modelData.text) === "string")
                        item.text = modelData.text;
                // ...
Component {
        id: buttonComp
        Button {
            property alias children: itemRepeater.model
            children: Repeater {
                id: itemRepeater
                delegate: loaderComp
    Component {
        id: columnComp
        Column {
            property alias model: itemRepeater.model
            children: Repeater {
                id: itemRepeater
                delegate: loaderComp
    Component {
        id: columnLayoutComp
        ColumnLayout {
            property alias model: itemRepeater.model
            children: Repeater {
                id: itemRepeater
                delegate: loaderComp

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