Join KDAB Training Day 2025 in Munich
Choose between learning advanced QML programming, Modern C++, integrating Rust and Qt or 3d rendering with Vulkan. The KDAB Training Day 2025 will take place in Munich on the 8th of May, right after the Qt World Summit on 6th to 7th of May.
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20 - Mar - 2019
Interesting idea, thanks. Actually, mapping can be used for any data known (existing) before the application starts.
But the diagrams show a small performance degradation in case of mmap. Image loading was finished before 60 seconds in case of heap and clearly after 60 seconds with mmap.
I guess it's because of additional IO operations for writing decompressed files to disk. It would be interesting to compare heap/mmap performance with uncompressed files.
20 - Mar - 2019
Milian Wolff
The performance degradation comes from the
sampling. If you compare with, you'll see that using mmap for this toy example is significantly faster. But when you compare these time values to the ones in the graphs, e.g., you'll notice that they are very different. That means: don't compare the time values in the graph, rather only concentrate on the Y-axis values there.20 - Mar - 2019
Milian Wolff
The performance degradation comes from the
sampling. If you compare with, you'll see that using mmap for this toy example is significantly faster. But when you compare these time values to the ones in the graphs, e.g., you'll notice that they are very different. That means: don't compare the time values in the graph, rather only concentrate on the Y-axis values there.