Join KDAB Training Day 2025 in Munich
Choose between learning advanced QML programming, Modern C++, integrating Rust and Qt or 3d rendering with Vulkan. The KDAB Training Day 2025 will take place in Munich on the 8th of May, right after the Qt World Summit on 6th to 7th of May.
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19 - Jul - 2017
This is very nice indeed, I'm just wondering how will this handle models where the tree is infinite levels deep? (For example because there is recursion in it.) Is there a depth limit that can be set?
19 - Jul - 2017
David Faure
Right now this would recursive infinitely (well, until the stack is filled, then it would crash), indeed. I wasn't aware that there was really a use case for an infinitely-deep tree due to a recursion, although now that you mention it, I can imagine a folder tree model with a symlink pointing up...
I'm not sure that a depth limit is the right solution though. What limit should the developer set in the example above ? If he sets 10, and a user is looking for a subfolder at depth 11 it won't be found, even though the model isn't infinitely deep. On the other hand detecting recursion is almost impossible since it doesn't appear that way at the model level.
This being said, if you have a use case for a depth limit setting, please create a JIRA entry on (or feel free to contribute the feature, of course).
19 - Jul - 2017
I was just asking since we have such a model, and have experimented with using QSFPM, but it's not likely that it will be included in a release, so nothing critical yet from my part.
Anyways, I have created an Issue on JIRA: with a suggestion.
21 - Jul - 2017
Laurent Bauer
Great feature, Bravo. By the way, an infinite tree produced by a loop would no more be a tree. It is a cyclic graph. Such a structure imho doesn't fullfills the preconditions of treemodels. So, it isn't a requirement. However, a very big tree, optimized with canFetchMore, that is progressively filled when opened, could be a problem. Great job anyway, this was a long time expected feature. Laurent
24 - Jul - 2017
Looping was just an example, an infinite tree can be constructed easily without it. And AFAIK the tree model/view in Qt works just fine even in that case so far (using canFetchMore and such), this would be an exception.
3 - Aug - 2017
Andre Somers
Nice, I have found myself implementing this manually more than once. I do have an additional request though, and that may require an API change for this one:
Sometimes, you do not only want to show parents for a match (so the match is visible), you may (also) want to show children for a match. I guess a getter and setter taking an enum to set a recursive matching mode instead of a simple bool would be needed to do that API wise.
26 - May - 2020
David Faure
This has now been implemented as well, by Giulio from KDAB. It will be in Qt 6.
27 - Mar - 2018
After about 5 days of hunting down a crash in the QSPFM, we've found that it's something to do with proxy->setRecursiveFiltering(true);
We raised a bug with a repeatable test case.
26 - May - 2020
David Faure
This turned out to be a missing call to invalidateFilter().