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New service: Fix My Qt Bug!


Need a fix for a Qt bug? Look no further…

At KDAB, we know that fixing bugs in Qt requires resources, deep knowledge of Qt in various use cases and the right tools. Sounds simple enough but can you afford to take the time to do it yourself? Taking part in hundreds of our clients’ Qt projects around the world, embedded as well as desktop, we have come in contact with all types of Qt bugs. To help you save time and money – we are now making that experience available to you with a fast turnaround time.

  • Just send your application or a standalone test case to us
  • You will receive a fix in return
  • We’ll even take care of the demanding process of having it included in Qt
  • After the initial evaluation we can let you know when the fix will be ready
  • We will work on having the fix included in Qt at no extra cost
  • And if for any reason your Qt fix cannot be included in Qt, we’ll even maintain it for you **

Contact us now at:

* Disclaimer: We reserve the right to reject a bug fix request if the issue is deemed technically insurmountable or would cause disproportionate effort. Customers will be informed of such cases as soon as the evaluation part of the process is over.

** Maintenance of your fix is only included until the next major Qt version is released. Due to the nature of the open-governance process of a Qt contribution, we cannot guarantee when upstream inclusion will happen Additional maintenance purchase is possible. Contact us to request a tailored quote.

Categories: KDAB Blogs / KDAB on Qt

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