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October ’20 – monthly digest


There and Back Again

by Giuseppe D’Angelo

A few days ago, a customer using our KD Soap library reported an interesting problem with it. The library worked perfectly to access the SOAP server, but there was some noticeable latency when doing a series of requests in short succession from the client. This latency should not have been there, as both the server and the client were in the same local network.

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Full Stack Tracing Part 2

by Milian Wolff

If you’ve read the first article in this series, you’ll know what full stack tracing is and why you definitely want it. This time, we’ll show you how to setup full stack tracing on your Linux system. There are two steps – first get everything configured to capture a trace, and then view and interpret the trace.

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Qt 6 beta release

To everyone’s relief, it has been confirmed that Qt 6 continues to be available under Free Software licenses, good news! See below (Qt World Summit) for further information.

We’ll also be releasing a series of blogs on what to expect from Qt 6 in the coming weeks.

Read the release report…

KDDockWidgets v1.1 released

– An advanced docking system for Qt

Although Sérgio Martins only wrote about v1.0 last month, the 1.1 release still managed to get a few big features you’ll want to know about.

Read his release report…

KD Reports 1.8.2 release

KD Reports is one of many Qt tools created by KDAB. It lets you easily create printable reports by providing all of the necessary features for a variety of applications.

This is a minor release safeguarding those still using Qt 4. Version 1.9 will not support Qt 4. Find out more and download KD Reports…

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KDAB TV’s First Year

A year ago KDAB started a YouTube channel dedicated to software development with Qt, C++ and 3D technologies like OpenGL. We talked to Sabine Faure, who is in charge of the program, about how it worked out so far and what we can expect in the future.

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KDAB Training

All our remaining 2020 Scheduled training classes are now on-line. Seats limited to 8 per class. Check out our training schedule and book your seat before they all go.

There are some USA classes in 2021 too.


Qt Desktop Days

As promised, we’re bringing you the talk recordings as fast as we can. Here’s one of our latest uploads, ‘Qt Quick Designer for Desktop Apps’, from Shantanu Tushar:

You can see the full program here to know what else is coming. Check out the playlist for the latest uploaded videos.

Online Events


Qt World Summit – Oct 22 An unusual one-day 3D event with some great talks and all the hot news about Qt 6.

Get an overview of Lars Knoll’s keynote and some insights and further news about Qt 6 from KDAB’s Giuseppe D’Angelo, a Qt Approver, in the latest edition of KDAB News.


Meeting C++ – Nov 12-14 KDAB is a Gold sponsor and the renowned Bjarne Stroustrup is among the speakers. KDAB’s Marc Mutz will present ‘Partially-Formed Objects for Fun and Profit’.

Find out more and sign up for this “mostly” online event.

Qt Day Italy – Nov 16 – 21 KDAB is a Gold sponsor, KDAB’s Giuseppe D’Angelo offers a workshop and Mike Krus is giving a talk on What’s New for 3D in Qt. See the full program.

Register for Qt Day Italy…

ESE Kongress Sindelfingen – Nov 30 – Dec 4 A German-speaking technical event focusing on Embedded. KDAB’s Anton Kreuzkamp is giving a talk entitled ‘Kann das nicht der Compiler machen? – Maßgeschneidertes Code-Refactoring mit Clang-Tooling’.

Find out more (auf deutsch).

Categories: KDAB Monthly Digest

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