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    Welcome to our Newsletter for October We hope you like the new style.   Today we bring you Qt for VS Code, the TL;DR version, then PSA: QPointer has a terrible name.   After that we have three new releases: Qt 6.6, then Heaptrack 1.5 and finally Squish 7.2. We also have new […]

You may already be hosting your code on GitHub, but do you know that GitHub provides a built-in Continuous Integration solution called GitHub Actions that is very easy to set up and free for public repositories? In this article I’m providing a crash course on what GitHub Actions are and how to use it for […]

KDAB was Platinum sponsor at this year’s Qt World Summit on November 28th-29th Finally, the Qt World Summit was back in person at the bcc (the Berlin Congress Centre)! Those of you who have been attending former years know that KDAB usually offers a KDAB Training Day as part of the conference. This year, we […]

    Welcome to our March newsletter Qt 6 Debugging in Visual Studio and VS Code – Show More Qt Value Types in the Debugger, followed by Pimpl for Small Classes. We also bring you some of our thoughts on Best Practices – the first is on using CXX-Qt for Integrating Rust and Qt, and […]

Not all Qt developers are using Qt Creator as their main IDE for development. Some of us are using other IDEs, like Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code or CLion, per choice or because a project requires it. On Windows, with the MSVC compiler, the debugging experience with Qt 6 can be quite frustrating for some […]

    Welcome and a belated Happy New Year! In the UK we used to call this the Kipper Season as nothing much goes on and your wallet’s empty after Christmas and whatnot. Well, much as we enjoy smoked fish, you won’t find any here . . . But before you read on, please note, […]

KDAB will be Gold sponsors at this year’s free online edition of Qt World Summit on November 9th, 2022. Our very own Jesper Pedersen will present his talk “Highlights from Qt Widgets and More”. Don’t miss out! Join developers, designers, managers, and executives to get inspired by the latest developments with Qt. Register now and […]

    ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Welcome to our July Newsletter Hoping you are reading this from your favourite bolt hole, wherever that may be. Down with work! 😺 This month we bring you Android Shared Storage Qt Wrapper – A New Qt (5.x & 6.x) Library for Complete Shared Storage Access, […]

  ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Welcome to our March Newsletter This month we bring you CXX-Qt – Safe Rust Bindings and The Qt Less Travelled – Obscure Bug fixes. Then we offer The Developer’s Guide to Containers and more KDAB videos as well as C++ Design Idioms from CppCon. The big news […]

    ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Welcome to our February newsletter This month we focus on using Qt for all parts of a mobile application and it’s cloud backend with Qt Allstack I – Setup – Creating a Realtime Mobile Chat App followed by Qt Allstack II – Adding Firebase. Then, following […]