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From 2012 to 2014, KDAB had the honor and pleasure to organize the biggest Qt community event of the year, Qt Developer Days in Berlin. We are delighted to offer you the rich resources from those three years – videos, slides and more. Qt Developer Days 2014 Qt Developer Days 2013 Qt Developer Days 2012 […]

David Faure speaks about additional Qt libraries outside Qt Projects.

  Qt on Android Tutorial (please adjust volume / low sound): Abstract: The tutorial will start with instructions on how to setup the development environment, how to configure QtCreator and ensuring that all dependencies are met. It will then continue with a live demonstration on creating an app, deploying it to an Android device and […]

Qt 5 is a modern, mature and highly featured framework to develop application software that can run across desktop and/or embedded and/or mobile platforms. Qt is often used in a combination with other technologies. Qt is used by tens of thousands of companies across 70+ industries and in all regions of the world. Qt is […]

June 10, 12 and 16. Continuing from our springtime European tour, we are offering hands-on training sessions this June in New York, San José and Chicago.  Each of these will be a free, three-hour, hands-on session that delves into the internals of Qt on Android.   Learn how to: set up the Qt development environment for Android […]

erratum 2014-04-13: Updated Bundle Qt libs pros and cons. Update2: Here you can read also the Chinese version, thanks goes to Foruok. After we’ve learned how to set up the development environment and how to use Qt on Android, it’s time to move forward and in this article we are going to learn about different […]

Update: Here you can read also the Chinese version, thanks goes to Foruok. Use Qt on Android After we learned how to setup the development environment, we’ll move forward in this article and learn how to use Qt Creator 3.0 (the one that comes with Qt 5.2 SDK) to create, run, debug and setup Qt […]

Update: Qt on Android Episode 3 is available here Update2: Here you can read also the Chinese version, thanks goes to Foruok.   In this article we’ll move forward and see how to set up the development environment for Android. A few remarks before we start: This article focuses on Qt 5.2! I’ll add comments for […]

Update: Qt on Android Episode 2 is available here Update2: Here you can read also the Chinese version, thanks goes to Foruok. I’d like to start a new series of blog posts focused on Qt on Android. The first article is about how it began, how it works, the current status, what to expect from […]

Starting next weekend, one of the most significant events on the Qt development and contribution calendar is taking place in Bilbao, Spain. The co-located and parallel-running Qt Contributor Summit and Akademy promise to push plans for Qt forward during the coming year. As an unconference, the format of the Qt Contributor Summit is designed to […]