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One of the useful outcomes the work Bertjan did on tooling for program understanding and refactoring is a list of considerations we can use to assess the suitability of new tools. Requirements for a porting system Section 1.3.5 of his thesis details the requirements for a similar porting system: GR1: Scalability The qt4to5 porting tool […]

Introduction This is the first of many posts about Qt 5 development to appear on the KDAB blog. The intent of these posts is to be a summary of development in the qtbase repository and discussions on the Qt Project mailing lists. The reporting is not limited to KDAB contributions to Qt, but aims to […]

An overview of QML related blogs and video tutorials for all levels from beginner to advanced. Includes material for getting started, qt creator, development, tools, graphics and other in-depth topics.

If you work on C++ projects on Windows that need to be built with multiple Visual Studio C++ compiler versions, you need some way to manage the installations of all these build environments. Either you have multiple IDEs installed, or you know about build tools ( and maybe keep only the latest full VS IDE […]

    Welcome to our June Newsletter We hope you’re enjoying sunshine, wherever you are. This month we bring you Object Lifetime, then Synchronization in Vulkan: Learn about what Vulkan needs us to synschronize and how to achieve it. We also offer big news about KDAB Training and, as ever, our latest educative videos and […]

    ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Welcome to our October newsletter 🍂 We bring you Handling a Lot of Text in QML, then C/C++ Debugging Tools: An Overview of Debugging Tools for C and C++ Applications. In videos, we offer a KDAB Insight interview, The Story of GCompris: from one man’s vision […]

    ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ April A warm welcome to our April Newsletter! We bring you JSONify All Things – Extending the nlohmann/json Library, then, with a good pinch of salt, we offer C%2B%2B23 Will Be Truly Awesome. We also have a selection of new videos and an update on Events, […]

    ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Welcome to January, 2022 This month we are Introducing KD Bindings: Reactive Programming and Data Binding in C++, while Loose Coupling with Signals and Slots: Connecting (Almost) Any Function to a Signal, goes into some of the details. Jesper Pedersen and family add four more lessons […]

    ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Welcome to our October edition We bring you two more blogs with mouthfuls for titles: Wayland on Windows – Run a Wayland Compositor Directly on your Windows Machine, and Auto-Accepting in QSortFilterProxyModel – Since Qt 6.0, QSortFilterProxyModel Can Auto-accept Child Rows of Rows Matching the Filter. […]

If you ever need to create a project around a single C++ file (or just a few C++ files) in CMake, as you might for quick test cases, you might find it tedious to write a CMakeLists.txt file by hand every time. To make this easier, I’ve written a script called cmake-project that you can […]