Join KDAB Training Day 2025 in Munich
Choose between learning advanced QML programming, Modern C++, integrating Rust and Qt or 3d rendering with Vulkan. The KDAB Training Day 2025 will take place in Munich on the 8th of May, right after the Qt World Summit on 6th to 7th of May.
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22 - Feb - 2019
Is there any way to do custom painting on the touchbar, or get touch events?
27 - Feb - 2019
Matthias Kalle Dalheimer
Hello, yes, and it's quite easy. You can use QWidgetAction and thus any widget that you can paint on. Touch events come to the widget delivered as mousePress/mouseMove/mouseRelease events, however, only the x coordinate will be valid, the y coordinate will always be the center of the touchbar.
27 - Feb - 2019
Matthias Kalle Dalheimer
Hello, yes, and it's quite easy. You can use QWidgetAction and thus any widget that you can paint on. Touch events come to the widget delivered as mousePress/mouseMove/mouseRelease events, however, only the x coordinate will be valid, the y coordinate will always be the center of the touchbar.
22 - Mar - 2019
The Patch status now says Abandoned.
25 - Mar - 2019
Matthias Kalle Dalheimer
Sadly, The Qt Company staff did not feel this was a valuable addition to Qt and refused to merge it. We have now made the code available at
25 - Mar - 2019
Matthias Kalle Dalheimer
Sadly, The Qt Company staff did not feel this was a valuable addition to Qt and refused to merge it. We have now made the code available at
1 - Apr - 2022
Kali Leo
Thanks for this, I was waiting for it from Qt. It is still very usefull, there are so many MacBooks with Touchbar out there.