Join KDAB Training Day 2025 in Munich
Choose between learning advanced QML programming, Modern C++, integrating Rust and Qt or 3d rendering with Vulkan. The KDAB Training Day 2025 will take place in Munich on the 8th of May, right after the Qt World Summit on 6th to 7th of May.
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24 - Sept - 2015
Mike Nelson
This is very exciting! We are looking for a Qt+WEC2013 solution. Can you provide any information on what kind of minimum power consumption at idle you've been able to achieve with an example configuration? Such is always our greatest concern!
Thanks, Mike
24 - Sept - 2015
Bjoern Breitmeyer
We didn't measure this, as we were working with an evaluation board. But since we used Toradex hardware, they should be able to give you numbers, for their WEC2013 boards+images. I don't think we have real precise power consumption measurement hardware to give you a precise answer.
24 - Sept - 2015
Mike Nelson
Forgive me if this is obvious, but how might I go about trying out the Qt/WEC work you've done? Is there a particular COM/SOM/package to purchase from Toradex? Is the Qt/WEC BSP (?) a separate purchase/license from KDAB?
Thanks, Mike
2 - Oct - 2015
Andreas Holzammer
You can try Qt 5.6 on any hardware with WEC 2013. But we had been testing this with toradex boards. You would need to compile your own Qt against a WEC SDK which is typically shipped by the BSP vendor. Most hardware vendors are shipping example BSP's with a SDK, like Toradex does. To build Qt for WEC look for the WEC 7 instructions, for WEC 2013 its very similar. We are also able to help you in doing evaluations of this platform.
Thank you for your interest
13 - Oct - 2015
Hi How can I try Qt5.x for wince ?? Please give me some information...
17 - Oct - 2015
Hi Bjoern,
great news.
it would be great to get some Instructions for build Qt5.6/5.7 for WEC7/WEC2013.
I requested similar information to Janne Anttila in the past (see comments section):
Especially relevant are the flags needed for 'configure' which are valid for WEC7/WEC2013 and the setup to allow OpenGL acceleration (very important!).
Looking forward for testing the current QT version on WEC7/WEC2013.
17 - Oct - 2015
Hi Bjoern,
great news.
it would be great to get some Instructions for build Qt5.6/5.7 for WEC7/WEC2013.
I requested similar information to Janne Anttila in the past (see comments section):
Especially relevant are the flags needed for 'configure' which are valid for WEC7/WEC2013 and the setup to allow OpenGL acceleration (very important!).
Looking forward for testing the current QT version on WEC7/WEC2013.
14 - Nov - 2015
Hi, I am trying to build the QT 5.6 stack for our WEC2013 SDK but I am running into compile errors. Where can I find an entrypoint (e.g.) email)for dropping questions regarding this?
2 - Nov - 2016
Kevin Funk
Just so this doesn't get lost, you can contact us any time for Windows Embedded Compact related questions at
Hope that helps, Kevin
2 - Nov - 2016
Kevin Funk
Just so this doesn't get lost, you can contact us any time for Windows Embedded Compact related questions at
Hope that helps, Kevin