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Companies still using the QNX Photon microGUI face challenges with outdated hardware and unsupported technology, limiting their ability to update libraries and security patches. KDAB specializes in migrating Photon software to a modern UX framework based on Qt, and is the only QNX-recommended supplier for this essential transition. Don't get left behind—upgrade your systems today!

Upgrading from Qt 4 to Qt 5 may seem straightforward, but potential pitfalls can complicate the process. Despite Qt 5's design to ease transitions, resource constraints and shifting priorities often delay migration from legacy frameworks. As pressure mounts to adopt newer technologies, discover the essential steps to successfully navigate this upgrade and ensure your project thrives!

If your project relies on MFC, you may find yourself constrained by a legacy framework that limits your ability to leverage modern productivity gains, cross-platform support, and mobile app development. KDAB has extensive experience in migrating MFC projects to Qt, ensuring minimal disruption while modernizing your systems. Discover how to transition effectively and unlock new capabilities for your applications!

GammaRay 3.1

Enhancements and Updates

KDSoap 2.2.0 Released

KDAB at CppCon October 1-6th