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119 results

Kuesa 3D 1.2 release!

Qt 3D Basics Part 3 - Advanced Rendering

Parts One and Two of our three part Qt 3D series focused on drawing a 3D model and accepting user input, which are necessary building blocks of 3D applications. For the last part, we’ll look at how to use Qt 3D and frame graphs to create some really sophisticated looking graphics, including how to implement multi-pass rendering.

Qt 3D Demo – Dodge Viper 2013 SRT

GammaRay 2.9.0 Release

KDAB contributions to Qt 5.9

KDAB contributions to Qt 5.8

Since 1999, KDAB has been the largest independent Qt consultancy worldwide and today is a Qt Platinum partner. Our experts can help you with any aspect of software development with Qt and QML.

Are you on a journey to create visually stunning, ultra-realistic 3D graphics, dynamic 2D user interfaces, or leveraging the power of hardware-accelerated computation? KDAB stands ready to guide you along this path.

KDAB contributions to Qt 5.6

Meet Qt in Lyons, December 2016