Join KDAB Training Day 2025 in Munich
Choose between learning advanced QML programming, Modern C++, integrating Rust and Qt or 3d rendering with Vulkan. The KDAB Training Day 2025 will take place in Munich on the 8th of May, right after the Qt World Summit on 6th to 7th of May.
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7 - Apr - 2021
That's indeed useful from time to time !
What about making it even easier to use, with a single function call, similar to the static QObject::connect :
This could automatically instantiate a KDSignalThrotller, connect the signal and slot to it, and make sure the throtller is deleted as soon as either connection is broken.
As a user, this would make throttled connection as easy and safe to use as a regular connection.
12 - Apr - 2021
Giuseppe D'Angelo
That sounds like a nice idea. Mind filing it as a suggestion on GitHub? :) Thanks.
12 - Apr - 2021
Giuseppe D'Angelo
That sounds like a nice idea. Mind filing it as a suggestion on GitHub? :) Thanks.