KD Reports
KD Reports generates reports within Qt applications
KD Reports is a Qt tool that lets you easily create various printable reports by providing all the necessary features for a variety of applications. Reports can be created programmatically, using an easy to use C++ API, or they can be data-driven, creating reports from XML or SQL data sources complete with watermarks, headers and footers. Reports can be previewed manually, sent directly to a printer, or saved as PDF files.
KD Reports requires Qt 5.9.0 or newer, and a compiler with C++11 support. Qt 6 support is offered starting with KD Reports version 2.0, and requires a compiler with C++17 support.
Why KD Reports?
Creating Reports using Qt Applications Reporting is a very common task in almost all applications. From the visualization of database contents in printouts to the creation of invoices or ID cards, it is all about formatting information for printing. If you are a C++ programmer who uses Qt in your application, then KD Reports is for you.
Reports created by KD Reports are simple C++ objects integrated into your project's application source code, allowing you to create reporting modules inside your own application using configurable XML templates with a variety of benefits, including the ability to integrate data from non-technical staff into reports. You can also include tables generated from Qt's abstract item models or retrieve report table data from SQL databases using the QtSql module incorporated in KD Reports.
Because reports are generated within application logic, you can apply higher-level calculations within the same programming environment as in the rest of your application.
Additionally, by packaging KDAB's KD Chart with KD Reports, reports can be augmented by many other chart types supported by KD Chart. Both tools are written in C++, so great performance is assured.
Get KD Reports
Check out the latest examples of KD Reports.
Find out more about the many features in KD Reports in the KDReports Manual
See more about KDAB tools.
Get in touch
If you have any queries about KD Reports or would like to discuss a project, we look forward to hearing from you.
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