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Value Semantics

void add(int& a, const int&b){
void add2(int& a, const int&b){

int main(){
    int x = 10;
    return x;
auto f(const std::vector<int>& vec, class SomeClass& to_fill);
int main()
    SomeClass c;
    std::array<int, 4> arr{1,2,3,4};
    f(arr, c);
Task f(const std::vector<int>& vec, class SomeClass& to_fill)
	co_await resume_on_threadpool();
	// Do some expensive calculations
Task<std::unique_ptr<SomeClass>> f(
std::vector<int> vec,
std::unique_ptr<SomeClass>> to_fill

About KDAB


13 - May - 2023


Task g()
    SomeClass c;
    std::array arr{1,2,3,4};
    co_await f(arr, c);

13 - May - 2023

Ilya Doroshenko

ver::Action Initialize()
    auto g = gfx.Initialize();
    auto a = audio.Initialize("music.ogg"); //g and a are already executed in parallel on background threads
    co_await winrt::when_all(g,a); // we need them to be finished before swapchain creation
    co_await gfx.CreateSwapchain(hwnd); // completely initialized gfx and audio

13 - May - 2023

Ilya Doroshenko

ver::Action Initialize()
    auto g = gfx.Initialize();
    auto a = audio.Initialize("music.ogg"); //g and a are already executed in parallel on background threads
    co_await winrt::when_all(g,a); // we need them to be finished before swapchain creation
    co_await gfx.CreateSwapchain(hwnd); // completely initialized gfx and audio